Account aiki2

Bullet: Elo 1688

Blitz: Elo 1744

Langsame Partien: Elo 1864

Great Britain
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It's all about learning from your mistakes, and not blaming others for your mistakes. Please no bad manners after loosing.
Taktikelo:2212 (554 Positions)
Fight Elo:0 (0 Fights)
Bester Taktiksprint:81 Punkte.
Elo gegen Fritz:1600
Gewinnpartien Fritz:0
Erfolge gegen Fritz...
Keine Drills auf

Your Latest App Activity

App Icon You are ranked #27430 in Studies solving Studies
Sonntag, Februar 25, 2024
App Icon You totalled 554 tactics positions Tactics
App Icon You solved 345 tactics positions
App Icon You achieved an Elo of 2212 in tactics positions
Freitag, Februar 23, 2024
App Icon You created your Fritz account Fritz
App Icon You created your Studies account Studies
Sonntag, Oktober 15, 2023
App Icon You played 162 blitz games Play
App Icon You scored +66 =8 -88 in blitz
Samstag, Oktober 14, 2023
App Icon You played 236 bullet games Play
App Icon You scored +118 =3 -115 in bullet
Samstag, März 4, 2023
App Icon You had a best sprint of 81 positions Tactics
Mittwoch, Mai 13, 2020
App Icon You played 2 slow games Play
App Icon You scored +0 =2 -0 in slow games