Account kruink02

Blitz: Elo 1595

Bullet: Elo 1905

Langsame Partien: Elo 1399

Profile Picture
Taktikelo:2523 (15020 Positions)
Fight Elo:2839 (300 Fights)
Bester Taktiksprint:93 Punkte.
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Your Latest App Activity

App Icon You are ranked #348 in Tactics Solving Tactics
App Icon You are ranked #7 in Tactics Fights
App Icon You totalled 15020 tactics positions Tactics
App Icon You solved 9673 tactics positions
App Icon You achieved an Elo of 2523 in tactics positions
App Icon You totalled 300 tactics fights
App Icon You won 289 tactics fights
App Icon You achieved an Elo of 2838 in tactics fights
Freitag, März 10, 2023
App Icon You played 61 bullet games Play
App Icon You scored +47 =2 -12 in bullet
Freitag, Februar 14, 2020
App Icon You had a best sprint of 146 positions Tactics
Samstag, Januar 5, 2019
App Icon You played 127 blitz games Play
App Icon You scored +74 =5 -48 in blitz
Mittwoch, August 23, 2017
App Icon You played 42 slow games Play
App Icon You scored +16 =1 -25 in slow games