Account muxasala

Bullet: Elo 1744

Blitz: Elo 1721

Langsame Partien: Elo 1968

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Spite the age, always wanting to learn. Love chess...and missing great players, such as, Bobby Fisher, Tal, etc. Hope to make chess friends from all countries around this global world!
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Your Latest App Activity

App Icon You played 178 blitz games Play
App Icon You scored +124 =3 -51 in blitz
Mittwoch, Juli 24, 2024
App Icon You played 218 bullet games Play
App Icon You scored +175 =4 -39 in bullet
Dienstag, September 6, 2022
App Icon You played 4 slow games Play
App Icon You scored +1 =0 -3 in slow games