Account princesschess

Blitz: Elo 1703

United States of America
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Approximates: USCF 1900, FIDE 1800 Played 30+ years Also PrincessChess on USCL, ICC, FICS, and elsewhere though not on a few where I didn't get there first
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Elo gegen Fritz:1622
Gewinnpartien Fritz:1
Erfolge gegen Fritz...
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Your Latest App Activity

App Icon You are ranked #3712 in Fritz by Elo Fritz
App Icon You are ranked #8136 in Fritz Beauty
Donnerstag, Februar 25, 2021
App Icon You won against Fritz Fritz
App Icon You achieved a BeautyScore of 21
App Icon You achieved a new Elo of 1622
App Icon You created your Fritz account
Freitag, September 13, 2019
App Icon You played 1 blitz games Play
App Icon You scored +1 =0 -0 in blitz