Elo Charts - minhchuot2014

Blitz: Elo 1421

lillo 1182 1 b
krokame 1823 0 b
bragno14 1610 0 w
happy dog 1575 0 b
phydlibyrger 1430 0 w
werner88713 1397 1 w
spekulant 1743 0 b
dino_vm 1274 1 b
würth 1391 0 w
pustefix 1964 0 b
victorpoe 1623 1 w
rensververs 1483 0 b
kleiner muck 1402 r w
micel 1496 r w
harhai 1353 0 b
atl 1326 1 b
schiephorst 1422 0 w
gingerbear 1396 0 b
karabas11 1410 1 w
hotte 1405 1 b
lody79 1517 1 b
the aviator 1479 0 w
wo2ko 1229 1 w
psgkp 1184 0 w
the big boss 007 1459 0 b
torben_scholler 1907 0 b
jkel 1582 1 w
colis70 1215 1 b
korona33 1816 0 w
bigkob 1331 1 b
1624 1 w
kungfu_panda 1565 0 b
tono1 1525 0 w

Slow Games: Elo 1620

chess_devil64 1681 0 b
jvr44 1518 1 b
trappistone 1450 1 w
robin1947 1826 0 w
mark brauer 1766 0 b
nalle6 1923 1 b
plaku 1676 0 w

Bullet: Elo 1472

schachmatt3 1838 0 w
schachmatt3 1830 0 b
moritz05 1499 0 w