Account castcoronadodavid10
Tactics Elo:1872 (20 Positions)
Fight Elo:0 (0 Fights)
Best Tactics Sprint:0 Points.
Elo against Fritz1604
Wins against Fritz:0
Beauty Score15
Achievements against Fritz...
No Opening Drills on

Your Latest App Activity

App Icon You are ranked #6526 in Fritz by Elo Fritz
App Icon You are ranked #9361 in Fritz Beauty
Saturday, September 30, 2023
App Icon You achieved a BeautyScore of 15 Fritz
App Icon You achieved a new Elo of 1604
App Icon You created your Fritz account
Monday, September 25, 2023
App Icon You totalled 20 tactics positions Tactics
App Icon You solved 17 tactics positions
App Icon You achieved an Elo of 1872 in tactics positions