Account fritzi_2004

Bullet: Elo 2089

Profile Picture
Elo = 2091
I am a very aggressive chess player who is the owner of the students from Alpha chess team I am an Future IM I got 1norm of IM
Tactics Elo:1820 (41 Positions)
Fight Elo:0 (0 Fights)
Best Tactics Sprint:26 Points.
Elo against Fritz1621
Wins against Fritz:2
Beauty Score12
Achievements against Fritz...
No Opening Drills on

Your Latest App Activity

App Icon You are ranked #3821 in Fritz by Elo Fritz
App Icon You are ranked #10445 in Fritz Beauty
Friday, May 3, 2024
App Icon You won against Fritz Fritz
App Icon You achieved a BeautyScore of 12
App Icon You achieved a new Elo of 1621
App Icon You played 59 bullet games Play
App Icon You scored +44 =1 -14 in bullet
Monday, February 26, 2024
App Icon You totalled 41 tactics positions Tactics
App Icon You solved 28 tactics positions
App Icon You achieved an Elo of 1820 in tactics positions
App Icon You had a best sprint of 26 positions
App Icon You created your Fritz account Fritz