Account ilfat

Blitz: Elo 1457

Bullet: Elo 1639
Tactics Elo:2162 (56595 Positions)
Fight Elo:1712 (57 Fights)
Best Tactics Sprint:42 Points.
No Games on
No Opening Drills on

Your Latest App Activity

Friday, May 24, 2024
App Icon You totalled 56595 tactics positions Tactics
App Icon You solved 31347 tactics positions
App Icon You achieved an Elo of 2161 in tactics positions
App Icon You totalled 57 tactics fights
App Icon You won 42 tactics fights
App Icon You achieved an Elo of 1712 in tactics fights
Thursday, November 3, 2022
App Icon You played 108 blitz games Play
App Icon You scored +50 =3 -55 in blitz
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
App Icon You had a best sprint of 58 positions Tactics
Saturday, October 19, 2019
App Icon You played 1 bullet games Play
App Icon You scored +1 =0 -0 in bullet