Account jeb

Blitz: Elo 1315

Rapide: Elo 1387

Bullet: Elo 970

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Born 1962 Living in Oslo, Norway I like to play in tournaments, although always being the lowest rated. No problem, meet a lot of nice people, and beating (Bye) all the time :-)
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Your Latest App Activity

vendredi, décembre 6, 2024
App Icon You played 337 blitz games Play
App Icon You scored +130 =17 -190 in blitz
jeudi, mars 1, 2018
App Icon You played 1 bullet games Play
App Icon You scored +1 =0 -0 in bullet
jeudi, janvier 11, 2018
App Icon You played 10 slow games Play
App Icon You scored +4 =0 -6 in slow games