Account myles

Blitz: Elo 2072

Bullet: Elo 2305

Rapide: Elo 1772

Profile Picture
SG Leipzig (Elo = 2216)
'The lock stock and barrel of it all is the County Council' (Flann O'Brien) Schachgemeinschaft Leipzig
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Your Latest App Activity

samedi, juin 5, 2021
App Icon You played 341 blitz games Play
App Icon You scored +203 =34 -104 in blitz
vendredi, mars 26, 2021
App Icon You played 1 slow games Play
App Icon You scored +0 =1 -0 in slow games
mercredi, mars 6, 2013
App Icon You played 58 bullet games Play
App Icon You scored +30 =4 -24 in bullet