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You are ranked #12335 in Fritz by Elo
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You are ranked #12990 in Fritz Beauty
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You totalled 2561 tactics positions
Tactics![App Icon App Icon](/Images/AppIcons/Tactics128.png)
You solved 2055 tactics positions
![App Icon App Icon](/Images/AppIcons/Tactics128.png)
You achieved an Elo of 2540 in tactics positions
![App Icon App Icon](/Images/AppIcons/Playchess128.png)
You played 59 slow games
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You scored +24 =2 -33 in slow games
![App Icon App Icon](/Images/AppIcons/Playchess128.png)
You played 42 blitz games
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You scored +8 =0 -34 in blitz
![App Icon App Icon](/Images/AppIcons/Fritz128.png)
You achieved a BeautyScore of 9
![App Icon App Icon](/Images/AppIcons/Fritz128.png)
You achieved a new Elo of 1589
![App Icon App Icon](/Images/AppIcons/Fritz128.png)
You created your Fritz account
![App Icon App Icon](/Images/AppIcons/Playchess128.png)
You played 2 bullet games
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You scored +0 =0 -2 in bullet