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Players:  687 |
Peak: 1130 |
Games Today: 9476 |
Nations: 93
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Play Normal Games

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For Beginners

Play against beginners and get various hints. Use your hints sparingly. They can decide the game in the right moment.


Regular Tournaments with Ducats Prizes

Bullet Rankings

# Name Elo Flag Pic
1. lazieri3 2458
2. yeigameit 2326
3. flyingmonkey123 2251
4. bleyer 2223
5. meteltfaszu 2169
Two Weeks
1. standyourground 2825
2. blankas 2803
3. foshfoash 2709
4. halfbloodprince 2688
5. carlsonsmagnus 2665
6. gokerkan 2659
7. mepe_nika 2652
8. nightking 2631
9. obilleri 2625
10. tiger11 2605

Blitz Rankings

# Name Elo Flag Pic
1. yeigameit 2453
2. der erleuchtete 2334
3. zoranp 2327
4. chaturanga71 2272
5. willhuynh1886 2238
Two Weeks
1. nightking 3018
2. il cammino interminabile 2814
3. sova filinovich 2788
4. bahadirozen 2703
5. blankas 2638
6. joneadavy 2616
7. maximums 2612
8. elliottwavesage1 2595
9. sangreazulyoro 2582
10. carlsonsmagnus 2581

Show Rankings

# Name Elo Flag Pic
1. riaan53 2130
2. denomen 2096
3. yates73 2010
4. mrmsh 1996
5. acierto 1882
Two Weeks
1. missinglink 2564
2. georgygrechko 2436
3. georgw2 2425
4. unku 2403
5. varun2002 2377
6. marciacalpurnia 2367
7. giofab 2347
8. sdeiana 2346
9. gm_aks 2338
10. pharaomum 2325

Against Fritz

Start a game against the chess program Fritz. With hints and assisted analysis. Fritz plays like a human and makes subtle tactical mistakes.

Live Games

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Kibitz Blitz

Kibitz a strong Blitz game played in the community. Sit back and enjoy good chess.
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