Ranking List

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Elolist Blitz - Page 15

# Name Elo Country
1401. alfieretto962 1322
1402. tammm 1831
1403. ulisse71 1714
1404. robert70 1758
1405. sideshow 1323
1406. ergranchio 1120
1407. katianet 1708
1408. sanya1282011 1132
1409. marcofiorido 1134
1410. cheyenne 1136
1411. rob73 1139
1412. pistolpete80 1139
1413. dagoberto11 1433
1414. safinim 1655
1415. vinci 60 1416
1416. larsenb 1756
1417. connysean 1148
1418. gennari 1817
1419. giugi 1150
1420. darsiko 1652
1421. alex erre 1159
1422. ncmplayer 1755
1423. gelgamesh14 1567
1424. cockerspaniel 1591
1425. canaletto 1812
1426. flamm76 1182
1427. rasoiodioccam 1183
1428. banny 1183
1429. frankfirenze 1524
1430. vforv69 1190
1431. woody4 1409
1432. giampi_z62 1491
1433. bobdarock 1194
1434. p@olo 1334
1435. luckyvito 1408
1436. valentina99 1575
1437. fotocn 1803
1438. abstergo 1209
1439. arbatax88 1211
1440. kasptof 1526
1441. mau57 1799
1442. certosino 1471
1443. caissa51 1337
1444. the pig of chess 1338
1445. noquality 1701
1446. baldu 1369
1447. ragno 1751
1448. anisakis 1795
1449. the comet 1640
1450. ceres 1238
# Name Elo Country
1451. leonid margarius 1991
1452. konradtoni 1427
1453. scarnuccio56 1245
1454. karparov 1549
1455. rodo 1789
1456. blunderizzatore 1248
1457. salvomanda 1787
1458. claus71 1710
1459. luty2003 1552
1460. geoff999rugby 1193
1461. chak 1451
1462. captain_bunratty 1605
1463. kh2013 1363
1464. chesscharm 1303
1465. thestreeturchin 1393
1466. halodonal 1289
1467. alan1234 1558
1468. potestat2 2169
1469. shaung 1226
1470. pointywalnut 1423
1471. aob123 1039
1472. dublinbay 2147
1473. siriusly 1432
1474. irishwhiskey 2021
1475. abjm2025 1382
1476. garys25 1750
1477. malrab 1797
1478. petgen 1811
1479. safaryan 1494
1480. hpoli2000 1433
1481. alecisrael23 1293
1482. dor1703 1764
1483. gefallen 1875
1484. maccabi tel aviv 2045
1485. danidin 1385
1486. isragambit 1337
1487. bongofritz 1936
1488. hba8899 1329
1489. liorka 1952
1490. ehudbarr 1455
1491. drakulita 1417
1492. golden eye 2006
1493. kailas8484 1467
1494. whoareu1 1584
1495. golroff 1402
1496. tal322 1441
1497. romang52 1474
1498. fantom35 1632
1499. momo1999 1365
1500. pasha12l 1153