Account bondsergey13

Bullet: Elo 1580

Blitz: Elo 1465

Slow Games: Elo 1484

Profile Picture
Amateur. Born in 1983. I became interested in playing chess in 2015. I play for fun and do not use literature or an engine."Everyone wins in chess. If you enjoy the game, and this is the most important, then even defeat is not terrible" (David Bronstein)
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Elo against Fritz1600
Wins against Fritz:0
Beauty Score0
Achievements against Fritz...
No Opening Drills on

Your Latest App Activity

Friday, April 5, 2024
App Icon You played 117 bullet games Play
App Icon You scored +64 =4 -49 in bullet
Thursday, September 28, 2023
App Icon You played 100 blitz games Play
App Icon You scored +47 =0 -53 in blitz
Saturday, April 3, 2021
App Icon You created your Fritz account Fritz
Monday, July 17, 2017
App Icon You played 7 slow games Play
App Icon You scored +4 =0 -3 in slow games