You are ranked #4025 in Fritz by Elo
You are ranked #12636 in Fritz Beauty
You are ranked #148 in Studies solving
You totalled 30134 tactics positions
Tactics You solved 23255 tactics positions
You achieved an Elo of 2605 in tactics positions
You totalled 410 tactics fights
You won 329 tactics fights
You achieved an Elo of 2341 in tactics fights
You solved 46 rated studies
You achieved a rating of 1634
You had a best sprint of 193 positions
You played 11 bullet games
Play You scored +8 =0 -3 in bullet
You created your Studies account
You won against Fritz
You achieved a BeautyScore of 7
You achieved a new Elo of 1619
You played 50 blitz games
Play You scored +22 =3 -25 in blitz
You created your Fritz account
You played 52 slow games
Play You scored +22 =5 -25 in slow games