Ranking List

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Elolist Slow Games - Page 18

# Name Elo Country
1701. surnamejar 1309
1702. magicmartin 1308
1703. naitvik 1308
1704. ammour 1722
1705. blurryvisage 1722
1706. kaiserfranz111 1721
1707. sd75 1721
1708. rutom 1305
1709. crina 1303
1710. vishprajesh 1721
1711. friedrichosser 1719
1712. zi shuo 1719
1713. mizzium8 1299
1714. dick56 1716
1715. karsten berndt 1715
1716. martin2466 1293
1717. macleod 1715
1718. lianoricciardi2 1292
1719. fritz64 1714
1720. leopleurodon 1290
1721. pawnslayer 1287
1722. schach h 1714
1723. david59 1286
1724. tteot 1286
1725. joshva23 1285
1726. oxymoronion 1713
1727. john sinal 1281
1728. ribendy 1713
1729. pepfli 1711
1730. ppslucky 1278
1731. catty 1708
1732. batusay7 1707
1733. wzuhmann 1706
1734. herbie56 1266
1735. ap-schach 1705
1736. bebo 2015 1703
1737. bestuzev 1703
1738. pÉnjamo 1 1259
1739. enrique123 1258
1740. jhxuyongjun 1703
1741. yuvan2015 1258
1742. fuegomarlikov 1257
1743. amju 1255
1744. majid1357 1252
1745. malicorne 1703
1746. witt 1241
1747. black2400 1240
1748. beobachter 1238
1749. mnaks 1227
1750. ashwath1832 1226
# Name Elo Country
1751. andreu cortada 1702
1752. sandy2707 1217
1753. longgiang1614 1215
1754. florea mihai 1702
1755. parnika1234 1211
1756. gambit001 1701
1757. lmagalona 1701
1758. juergen18 1700
1759. rascobs 1198
1760. micel 1699
1761. orlandofurioso 1698
1762. huviksh 1195
1763. enkidoo 1191
1764. vokov71820 1187
1765. sepultura666 1183
1766. patrickwzhou 1698
1767. jm_rdg 1180
1768. bernd schiefer 1176
1769. samuel_wang 1697
1770. rsjms 1695
1771. yuchenq 1695
1772. tejo plahuta 1691
1773. xerxesix 1155
1774. blindfuxxx 1690
1775. padmajasareddy 1690
1776. gapp 1132
1777. ncc 1701 1132
1778. ralf66 1690
1779. oldman 1121
1780. akshaya_y 1120
1781. läufer_in_1 1107
1782. akingsknight 1104
1783. wotan-hh 1690
1784. kjhv 1093
1785. wippiegildberger 1090
1786. alfoleon7799 1688
1787. freddy2 1046
1788. tknayak101 1021
1789. oscarre 1503